TGEX api v1.0.0
Authentication example
The API consists of public
and private
methods. The public methods do not require authentication. The private methods use OAuth 2.0 authentication. This means that a valid OAuth access token must be included in the request, which can be achived by calling method public/auth
When the token was assigned to the user, it should be passed along, with other request parameters, back to the server:
Connection type | Access token placement |
Websocket | Inside request JSON parameters, as an access_token field |
HTTP (REST) | Header Authorization: bearer Token `` value |
Access scope
When asking for access token
user can provide the required access level (called scope
) which defines what type of functionality he/she wants to use, and whether requests are only going to check for some data or also to update them. Scopes are required and checked for private
methods, so if you plan to use only public
information you can stay with values assigned by default.
Scope | Description |
account:read | Access to account methods - read only data. |
account:read_write | Access to account methods - allows to manage account settings, add subaccounts, etc. |
trade:read | Access to trade methods - read only data. |
trade:read_write | Access to trade methods - required to create and modify orders. |
wallet:read | Access to wallet methods - read only data. |
wallet:read_write | Access to wallet methods - allows to withdraw, generate new deposit address, etc. |
wallet:none, account:none, trade:none | Blocked access to specified functionality. |
block_trade:read | Access to block_trade methods - reading info about block trades - read only data. |
block_trade:read_write | Access to block_trade methods - required to create block trades. |
NOTICE: Depending on choosing an authentication method (grant type
) some scopes could be narrowed by the server or limited by user API key configured scope, e.g. when grant_type = client_credentials
and scope = wallet:read_write
could be modified by the server as scope = wallet:read
The user shouldn't assume that requested values are blindly accepted and should verify assigned scoped.
API users can subscribe to certain types of notifications. This means that they will receive JSON-RPC notification-messages from the server when certain events occur, such as changes to the index price or changes to the order book for a certain instrument.
The API methods public/subscribe
and private/subscribe
are used to set up a subscription. Since HTTP does not support the sending of messages from server to client, these methods are only availble when using the Websocket transport mechanism.
At the moment of subscription a "channel" must be specified. The channel determines the type of events that will be received. See [Subscriptions] for more details about the channels.
In accordance with the JSON-RPC specification, the format of a notification is that of a request message without an id
field. The value of the method
field will always be "subscription"
. The params
field will always be an object with 2 members: channel
and data
. The value of the channel
member is the name of the channel (a string). The value of the data
member is an object that contains data that is specific for the channel.
Request messages
According to the JSON-RPC sepcification the requests must be JSON objects with the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | string | The version of the JSON-RPC spec: "2.0" |
id | integer or string | An identifier of the request. If it is included, then the response will contain the same identifier |
method | string | The method to be invoked |
params | object | The parameters values for the method. The field names must match with the expected parameter names. The parameters that are expected are described in the documentation for the methods, below. |
Response messages
The JSON-RPC API always responds with a JSON object with the following fields.
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | This is the same id that was sent in the request. |
result | any | If successful, the result of the API call. The format for the result is described with each method. |
error | error object | Only present if there was an error invoking the method. The error object is described below. |
usIn | integer | The timestamp when the requests was received (microseconds since the Unix epoch) |
usOut | integer | The timestamp when the response was sent (microseconds since the Unix epoch) |
usDiff | integer | The number of microseconds that was spent handling the request |
Retrieve an Oauth access token, to be used for authentication of 'private' requests.
Three methods of authentication are supported:
- using the access key and access secret that can be found on the API page on the websiteclient_signature
- using the access key that can be found on the API page on the website and user generated signature- The signature is generated by the following formula:
- StringToSign = clientId + "\n" + Timestamp + "\n" + Nonce + "\n";
- Signature = HEX_STRING( HMAC-SHA256( ClientSecret, StringToSign ));
- using a refresh token that was received from an earlier invocation The response will contain an access token, expiration period (number of seconds that the token is valid) and a refresh token that can be used to get a new set of tokens.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/auth",
"params" : {
"grant_type" : "client_credentials",
"client_id" : "qpdskdfnaowpfewq",
"client_secret" : "oqentgrfnfdwnveaef"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
grant_type | true | string | client_credentials client_signature refresh_token |
Method of authentication |
client_id | true | tring | Required for grant type client_credentials and client_signature |
client_secret | true | string | Required for grant type client_credentials |
refresh_token | true | string | Required for grant type refresh_token |
signature | true | string | Required for grant type client_signature ; it's a cryptographic signature calculated over provided fields using user secret key. The signature should be calculated as an HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) with SHA256 hash algorithm |
nonce | true | string | Optional for grant type client_signature; delivers user generated initialization vector for the server token | |
timestamp | true | string | Required for grant type client_signature , provides time when request has been generated (milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1597127926021,
"usOut": 1597127926052,
"usDiff": 31,
"result": {
"access_token": "ba3avFNzfE",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "X9VtGUvsWvzPAjx63jzZnY+yTPTC8Ip8GYHSK29j0teOXcjsA=",
"expires_in": 43199,
"scope": "account:read_write block_trade:read_write trade:read_write wallet:read_write"
Name | Type | Description |
result | object | |
› access_token | string | |
› expires_in | integer | Token lifetime in seconds |
› refresh_token | string | Can be used to request a new token (with a new lifetime) |
› scope | string | Type of the access for assigned token |
› token_type | string | Authorization type, allowed value - bearer |
Gracefully close websocket connection, when COD (Cancel On Disconnect) is enabled orders are not cancelled
This is a private method; it can only be used after authentication.
This method takes no parameters
This method has no response body
Add withdraw address
- Add withdraw address
Request example
"source": "Other"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC ETH USDT |
main_chain | true | string | Main chain, i.e ETH BTC |
address | true | string | Address must be in the whitelist. | |
memo | false | string | Address memo or tag, required if it exists. | |
amount | true | string | Amount of funds to be withdrawn | |
tfa | true | string | TFA code | |
resource | true | string | Address source. eg: Other |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› withdraw_id | string | Withdraw record id. |
Get Deposit Record
- Retrieve the latest users deposits
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› id | string | Withdraw record id. | |
› coin_type | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
› token_code | string | Token code, i.e USDT-ERC20 |
› main_chain | string | Main chain | |
› address | string | Address | |
› amount | string | Amount | |
› create_time | timestamp | ||
› update_time | timestamp | ||
› state | string | deposit_waiting_confirm , deposit_confirmed |
› tx_hash | string | Transaction hash | |
› full_name | string | Full name, i.e Bitcoin |
Get Withdraw Record
- Retrieve the latest users withdrawals
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
withdraw_id | false | string |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› id | string | Withdraw record id. | |
› coin_type | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
› main_chain | string | Main chain | |
› address | string | Address | |
› amount | string | Amount | |
› create_time | timestamp | ||
› update_time | timestamp | ||
› state | string | withdraw_init , withdraw_noticed_block_chain , withdraw_waiting_confirm , withdraw_confirmed , withdraw_faild , withdraw_auditing , withdraw_audit_reject |
› tx_hash | string | Transaction hash | |
› full_name | string | Full name, i.e Bitcoin |
Get assets info
- Get assets info.
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/get_assets_info",
"asset_type": ["ALL"]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
asset_type | true | string array | ALL , SPOT ,PERPETUAL , WALLET |
Assets type. |
coin_type | false | string array | CoinType Only support WALLET , SPOT , MARGIN |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1607597828772,
"usOut": 1607597829103,
"usDiff": 331,
"result": {
"total": "5578184962",
"coupon": "0",
"details": [
"available": "4999",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "BTC",
"current_mark_price": "38000"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "ETH",
"current_mark_price": "1600"
"available": "5577199963",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "USDT",
"current_mark_price": "1"
"SPOT": {
"total": "281472.28536534",
"net": "281472.28536534",
"available": "281472.28536534",
"details": [
"available": "9.99902",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "9.99902",
"coin_type": "BTC",
"current_mark_price": "18150.117"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "0",
"coin_type": "ETH",
"current_mark_price": "555.005"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "0",
"coin_type": "USD",
"current_mark_price": "0"
"available": "99988.90248",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "99988.90248",
"coin_type": "USDT",
"current_mark_price": "1"
"global_state": 0,
"available_funds": "0",
"available_withdraw_funds": "0",
"total_pl": "0",
"total_upl": "0",
"position_rpl": "0",
"total_upl_isolated": "0",
"total_upl_cross": "0",
"total_initial_margin_cross": "0",
"total_initial_margin_isolated": "0",
"total_variable_funds": "0",
"total_margin_balance_isolated": "0",
"total_margin_balance_cross": "0",
"total_maintenance_margin_cross": "0",
"total_wallet_balance_isolated": "0",
"order_frozen": "0",
"order_cross_frozen": "0",
"order_isolated_frozen": "0",
"bonus": 0,
"bonus_max": 0
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› WALLET | object | Wallet assets | |
› SPOT | object | Spot assets. Spot used to spot trading without leverage | |
› PERPETUAL | object | Perpetual assets. |
Wallet assets fields(WALLET
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
total | number | Total assets of wallet, equivalent to usdt | |
coupon | number | Coupon of wallet, equivalent to usdt | |
details | object array | Details of wallet assets | |
› coin_type | string | Coin | |
› available | number | Available assets, wallet balance | |
› freeze | number | Freezing assets | |
› current_mark_price | number | Mark Price, the unit is usdt |
Spot asset field(SPOT
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
total | number | The total market value of all spot's assets, equivalent to usdt | |
available | number | The total market value of all available assets of spot, equivalent to usdt | |
details | object array | Asset details in single coin | |
› coin_type | string | Coin | |
› available | number | Available assets | |
› freeze | number | Freezing assets | |
› total | number | Total = Available + Freeze | |
› current_mark_price | number | Mark Price, the unit is usdt |
Perpetual asset field(PERPETUAL
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
wallet_balance | number | Total wallet balance. | |
available_funds | number | available funds | |
available_withdraw_funds | number | Transferable quantity | |
total_pl | number | Total profit and loss of trading area | |
total_upl | number | Unrealized profit and loss | |
position_rpl | number | Realized profit and loss | |
total_upl_isolated | number | Unrealized profit and loss of isolated | |
total_upl_cross | number | Unrealized profit and loss of cross | |
total_initial_margin_cross | number | Initial margin of cross | |
total_initial_margin_isolated | number | Initial margin of isolated | |
total_margin_balance_isolated | number | Total margin balance of isolated | |
total_margin_balance_cross | number | Total margin balance of cross | |
total_margin_balance | number | Total margin balance | |
total_maintenance_margin_cross | number | Maintenance margin of cross | |
total_wallet_balance_isolated | number | Total wallet balance of isolated | |
order_frozen | number | Frozen of order | |
order_cross_frozen | number | Frozen of cross order | |
order_isolated_frozen | number | Frozen of isolated order | |
bonus | number | Available bonus. | |
bonus_max | number | Upper limit of bonus. |
Get coin config
- Get information of coins (available for deposit and withdraw)
Request example
"coin_type": "ETH"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1672992305854,
"usOut": 1672992305857,
"usDiff": 3,
"result": [
"enable": true,
"coin_type": "USDT",
"withdraw_status": true,
"deposit_status": true,
"full_name": "Tether",
"token_config_list": [
"token_code": "USDT-TRC20",
"main_chain": "TRX",
"main_chain_show": "TRX Tron(TRC20)",
"token_precision": 5,
"deposit_status": true,
"withdraw_status": true,
"most_withdraw_limit": "10000",
"least_withdraw_limit": "10",
"least_deposit_limit": "1",
"withdraw_fee": "1",
"token_address_regular": "^[T][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}$",
"token_explore": "{##}",
"token_confirmation": 36,
"token_memo_option": "0",
"deposit_memo_status": false,
"withdraw_memo_status": false,
"token_memo_status": false,
"withdraw_fee_extra_ratio": "0"
"token_code": "USDT-ERC20",
"main_chain": "ETH",
"main_chain_show": "ETH Ethereum(ERC20)",
"token_precision": 5,
"deposit_status": true,
"withdraw_status": true,
"most_withdraw_limit": "9999",
"least_withdraw_limit": "60",
"least_deposit_limit": "1",
"withdraw_fee": "10",
"token_address_regular": "^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$",
"token_explore": "{##}",
"token_confirmation": 20,
"token_memo_option": "0",
"deposit_memo_status": false,
"withdraw_memo_status": false,
"token_memo_status": false,
"withdraw_fee_extra_ratio": "0"
"inner_transfer_config": {
"least_withdraw_limit": "60",
"withdraw_precision": 8
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› enable | Boolean | Coin status. | |
› coin_type | String | Coin name. | |
› withdraw_status | Boolean | Withdrawal status. | |
› deposit_status | Boolean | Deposit status. | |
› token_config_list | object array | Chains config. | |
›› token_code | String | Uniquely identifies. | |
›› main_chain | String | Chain name. | |
›› token_precision | number | Coin precision of current chain. | |
›› withdraw_fee | number | Withdrawal fee. | |
›› deposit_status | Boolean | Deposit status of current chain. | |
›› withdraw_status | Boolean | Withdrawal status of current chain. | |
›› least_withdraw_limit | number | Minimum withdrawal amount. | |
›› least_deposit_limit | number | Minimum deposit amount. | |
›› token_address_regular | String | Regex matching rules for withdrawal addresses. | |
›› withdraw_memo_status | Boolean | Indicates whether memo is required when withdrawing coins. | |
› inner_transfer_config | object | Internal transfer configuration of the current coin. | |
›› least_withdraw_limit | number | Minimum withdrawal amount. | |
›› withdraw_precision | number | Withdraw precision. |
- Submit a withdraw request.
auth type.
Request example
"coin_type": "ETH",
"main_chain": "ETH",
"address": "address",
"amount": "1",
"memo": "-",
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
main_chain | true | string | Network. | |
address | true | string | Address | |
amount | true | Number | Amount | |
memo | false | String | Secondary address identifier for coins like XRP. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1618470601600,
"usOut": 1618470602504,
"usDiff": 904,
"result": {
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› withdraw_id | string | Withdraw record id. |
Inner Transfer
- Submit a inner transfer request.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
amount | true | BigDecimal | Amount, i.e 1 |
coinType | true | string | Short name of coin | |
innerWalletType | true | string | Receiver type, email ,uid |
innerWalletValue | true | Number | Info of receiver‘s email or uid | |
asset_type | false | String | Wallet account, WALLET , SPOT ,PERPETUAL , Default WALLET |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1655434905711,
"usOut": 1655434906270,
"usDiff": 559,
"result": {
Name | Enum | Description |
withdrawId | String | Withdraw record id. |
Asset Transfer
- Transfer assets between different asset areas.
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/submit_transfer",
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
amount | true | Number | Amount | |
from | true | String | WALLET ,SPOT ,PERPETUAL |
Source asset area. |
to | true | String | WALLET ,SPOT ,PERPETUAL |
Target asset area. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1588745860741,
"usOut": 1588745860991,
"usDiff": 250,
"result": "ok"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | string |
Sub account Transfer
- Transfer funding assets between sub-account.
- Sub-account can only transfer amount to main account.
- Main-account can transfer amount between sub-account and sub-account , or between sub-account and main-account;
Request example
"id": "44",
"method": "/private/submit_transfer_between_subaccounts",
"sourceUid": "112505737061994496",
"destinationUid": "108265251",
"coinType": "USDT",
"amount": "100"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
coin_type | true | string | Coin type, i.e BTC |
amount | true | Number | Amount | |
sourceUid | true | Long | Source account uid. | |
destinationUid | true | Long | Target account uid. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "44",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1675759149996,
"usOut": 1675759150013,
"usDiff": 17,
"result": "ok"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | string |
- Places a buy order for an instrument.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/buy",
"params": {
"amount": "1",
"type": "limit",
"advanced": "iv",
"reduce_only": false,
"post_only": false,
"time_in_force": "good_til_cancelled",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"price": "90"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | String | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL |
amount | true | number | Quantity at time of order | |
type | false | String | limit , market |
The order type, default: limit . |
price | false | number | The order price for limit order. |
time_in_force | false | String | good_til_cancelled , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect, default: good_til_cancelled . |
post_only | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered post-only, default: false . |
reduce_only | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position. default: false .(Only for perpetuals). |
condition_type | false | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL .(Only for perpetuals). |
trigger_price | false | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . (Only for perpetuals). |
trigger_price_type | false | Number | Trigger price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
trail_price | false | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . (Only for perpetuals). |
market_amount_order | fasle | Boolen | Advanced order amount type, default: false . If set to true ,then the amount field means USDT value. (Only for perpetuals) |
stop_loss_price | false | Number | Stop loss price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
take_profit_price | false | Number | Take profit price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
stop_loss_type | false | Number | Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
take_profit_type | false | Number | Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
position_side | true | String | BOTH ,LONG ,SHORT |
Position Side. Default: BOTH .BOHT for One-way Mode. LONG and SHORT for Hedge mode.(Only for perpetuals). |
custom_order_id | false | String | Client order id. Can only be string following the rule: ^[\.A-Z\:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$ . Returned when querying an order . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"order": {
"order_id": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› order | object | ||
›› order_id | string | order id |
- Places a sell order for an instrument.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/sell",
"params": {
"amount": "1",
"type": "limit",
"reduce_only": false,
"post_only": false,
"time_in_force": "good_til_cancelled",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"price": "90"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | String | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL |
amount | true | number | Quantity at time of order | |
type | false | String | limit , market |
The order type, default: limit . |
price | false | number | The order price for limit order. |
time_in_force | false | String | good_til_cancelled , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect, default: good_til_cancelled . |
post_only | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered post-only, default: false . |
reduce_only | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position. default: false .(Only for perpetuals). |
condition_type | false | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL .(Only for perpetuals). |
trigger_price | false | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . (Only for perpetuals). |
trigger_price_type | false | Number | Trigger price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
trail_price | false | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . (Only for perpetuals). |
market_amount_order | fasle | Boolen | Advanced order amount type, default: false . If set to true ,then the amount field means USDT value. (Only for perpetuals) |
stop_loss_price | false | Number | Stop loss price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
take_profit_price | false | Number | Take profit price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
stop_loss_type | false | Number | Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
take_profit_type | false | Number | Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. (Only for perpetuals). | |
position_side | true | String | BOTH ,LONG ,SHORT |
Position Side. Default: BOTH .BOHT for One-way Mode. LONG and SHORT for Hedge mode.(Only for perpetuals). |
custom_order_id | false | String | Client order id. Can only be string following the rule: ^[\.A-Z\:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$ . Returned when querying an order . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"order": {
"order_id": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› order | object | ||
›› order_id | string | The order id. |
Cancel by Id
- Cancel an order, specified by order id.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "3558",
"method": "/private/cancel",
"params": {
"order_id": "77409325612535808"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
order_id | true | string | The order id. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "3558",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1606288516328,
"usOut": 1606288516343,
"usDiff": 15,
"result": {
"order_id": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. |
Cancel By Currency
- Cancel the order according to the trading area.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currrency | true | string | BTC , ETH , SPOT , PERPETUAL |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | option , future , spot , margin , perpetual |
The order kind. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | number | Number of cancelled orders. |
Cancel By Instrument
- Cancels all orders by instrument.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-06JUN20 ,BTC-06JUN20-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | number | Number of orders being cancelled. |
Get positions
- Get the positions according to the trading area.
- Only support for perpetuals, options and futures.
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/get_positions",
"kind": "option"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currrency | true | string | BTC , ETH , PERPETUAL |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | option , future , spot , margin ,perpetual |
The order kind. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "18",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1625563460761,
"usOut": 1625563460770,
"usDiff": 9,
"result": [
"average_price": "33961.89",
"delta": "-11.88",
"direction": "sell",
"floating_profit_loss": "-7711.98",
"instrument_name": "BTC-24SEP21",
"kind": "future",
"currency": "BTC",
"mark_price": "34611.05",
"realized_profit_loss": "-11460.52",
"size": "-11.88",
"session_price": "33961.89",
"total_profit_loss": "-7711.98",
"vega": "0",
"gamma": "0",
"theta": "0",
"zero_margin_size": "0",
"version": "2091"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | |||
› pos_id | number | The position id. | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name. | |
› kind | string | The order kind. | |
› average_price | number | Average price of trades that built this position. | |
› size | number | Position size. | |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
Direction |
› leverage | number | Current available leverage for future position. | |
› mark_price | number | Current mark price for position's instrument. | |
› index_price | number | Current index price | |
› initial_margin | number | Initial margin | |
› maintenance_margin | number | Maintenance margin | |
› total_profit_loss | number | Profit or loss from position | |
› floating_profit_loss | number | floating profit or loss | |
› realized_profit_loss | number | Realized profit or loss | |
› total_rpl | number | Total floating profit or loss. | |
› delta | number | Only for options, Delta parameter | |
› version | number | Version | |
› variable_funds | number | Variable funds. | |
› liquid_price | number | Liquid price. | |
› margin | number | Margin. | |
› margin_balance | number | Margin balance. | |
› margin_balance_isolated | number | Margin balance of isolated. | |
› wallet_balance_isolated | number | Wallet balance of isolated. | |
› risk_level | number | Risk Level. The risk of margin is between 0% and 100%, the higher the value, the higher the risk of compulsory closing. | |
› roe | number | roe | |
› available_withdraw_funds | number | Transferable quantity | |
› margin_type | string | cross ,isolated |
Position margin type. |
› stop_loss_price | number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | number | Take profit price type. | |
› traceType | number | 0 ,1 ,2 |
Trace type. Only for perpetuals. 0: normal,1: trace trader, 2: trace follower |
Close position
- Close the specified position.
- Only support for perpetuals.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/close_position",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTC-27NOV20-15000-C",
"type": "limit",
"price": "4500",
"advanced": "usd"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. | |
type | true | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
price | false | number | The order price for limit order. |
amount | true | number | Quantity at time of order | |
pos_id | false | number | Position id. Support for perpetual multi position. Default: 0. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1662",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1606292314448,
"usOut": 1606292314470,
"usDiff": 22,
"result": {
"order": {
"order_id": "77434881699745792"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› order | object | ||
›› order_id | string | The order id. |
Get open order by Currency
- Get the open orders according to the trading area.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currency | true | string | BTC , ETH , SPOT , PERPETUAL |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | margin , spot , option , future , perpetual |
The order kind. |
type | false | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "26",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650524774836,
"usOut": 1650524774939,
"usDiff": 103,
"kind": "perpetual",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.1",
"price": "3020",
"advanced": "usdt",
"source": "api",
"mmp": false,
"version": 1,
"order_id": "262959243277852672",
"order_state": "open",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"filled_amount": "0",
"average_price": "0",
"order_type": "limit",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"post_only": false,
"reduce_only": false,
"condition_type": "NORMAL",
"trigger_touch": false,
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"creation_timestamp": 1650524769151,
"last_update_timestamp": 1650524769158
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. | |
› order_state | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› kind | string | option , future , spot , margin |
The order kind. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› amount | Number | Order quantity. | |
› price | Number | The order price. | |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› iv | Number | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
› advanced | string | usdt ,iv |
Advanced option order type, (Only for options). |
› order_type | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› time_in_force | string | good_til_cancelled , good_til_date , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› condition_type | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_price | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› creation_timestamp | string | Create time. | |
› last_update_timestamp | string | Last update time. | |
› version | Number | Order version. | |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get open order by Instrument
- Get all open orders by instrument.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-06JUN20 ,BTC-06JUN20-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL |
type | false | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "26",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650524774836,
"usOut": 1650524774939,
"usDiff": 103,
"kind": "perpetual",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.1",
"price": "3020",
"advanced": "usdt",
"source": "api",
"mmp": false,
"version": 1,
"order_id": "262959243277852672",
"order_state": "open",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"filled_amount": "0",
"average_price": "0",
"order_type": "limit",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"post_only": false,
"reduce_only": false,
"condition_type": "NORMAL",
"trigger_touch": false,
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"creation_timestamp": 1650524769151,
"last_update_timestamp": 1650524769158
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. | |
› order_state | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› kind | string | option , future , spot , margin |
The order kind. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› amount | Number | Order quantity. | |
› price | Number | The order price. | |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› iv | Number | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
› advanced | string | usdt ,iv |
Advanced option order type, (Only for options). |
› order_type | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› time_in_force | string | good_til_cancelled , good_til_date , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› condition_type | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_price | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› creation_timestamp | string | Create time. | |
› last_update_timestamp | string | Last update time. | |
› version | Number | Order version. | |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get order history by Currency
- Get all complete orders by trading area.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currency | true | string | BTC ETH SPOT ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | margin ,spot ,option ,future , perpetual |
The order type. |
count | false | integer | Number of requested items, default - 20 . |
offset | false | integer | The default is 0. For example, if you query the second page and the quantity is 100, set offset = 100 and count = 100 |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "230",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650525112489,
"usOut": 1650525112618,
"usDiff": 129,
"currency": "PERPETUAL",
"kind": "perpetual",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.1",
"price": "3020",
"advanced": "usdt",
"source": "api",
"mmp": false,
"version": 1,
"order_id": "262959142199320576",
"order_state": "canceled",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"filled_amount": "0",
"average_price": "0",
"order_type": "limit",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"post_only": false,
"reduce_only": false,
"condition_type": "NORMAL",
"trigger_touch": false,
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"creation_timestamp": 1650524745053,
"last_update_timestamp": 1650524745055
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. | |
› order_state | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› kind | string | option , future , spot , margin , perpetual |
The order kind. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› amount | Number | Order quantity. | |
› price | Number | The order price. | |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› iv | Number | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
› advanced | string | usdt ,iv |
Advanced option order type, (Only for options). |
› order_type | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› time_in_force | string | good_til_cancelled , good_til_date , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› condition_type | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_price | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› creation_timestamp | string | Create time. | |
› last_update_timestamp | string | Last update time. | |
› version | Number | Order version. | |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get order history by Instrument
- Get all complete orders by instrument.
Request example
"count": 100
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. | |
count | false | integer | Number of requested items, default - 20 . |
offset | false | integer | The default is 0. For example, if you query the second page and the quantity is 100, set offset = 100 and count = 100 |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. | |
› order_state | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› kind | string | option , future , spot , margin , perpetual |
The order kind. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› amount | Number | Order quantity. | |
› price | Number | The order price. | |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› iv | Number | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
› advanced | string | usdt ,iv |
Advanced option order type, (Only for options). |
› order_type | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› time_in_force | string | good_til_cancelled , good_til_date , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› condition_type | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_price | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› creation_timestamp | string | Create time. | |
› last_update_timestamp | string | Last update time. | |
› version | Number | Order version. | |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get order state
- Get the order by id
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
order_id | true | string | The order id. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650525411885,
"usOut": 1650525411902,
"usDiff": 17,
"currency": "PERPETUAL",
"kind": "perpetual",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.1",
"price": "3020",
"advanced": "usdt",
"source": "api",
"mmp": false,
"version": 1,
"order_id": "262959142199320576",
"order_state": "canceled",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"filled_amount": "0",
"average_price": "0",
"order_type": "limit",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"post_only": false,
"reduce_only": false,
"condition_type": "NORMAL",
"trigger_touch": false,
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"creation_timestamp": 1650524745053,
"last_update_timestamp": 1650524745055
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› order_id | string | The order id. | |
› order_state | string | open , filled , rejected , cancelled |
The order state. |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name | |
› currency | string | The trading area. | |
› kind | string | option , future , spot , margin , perpetual |
The order kind. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› amount | Number | Order quantity. | |
› price | Number | The order price. | |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› iv | Number | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
› advanced | string | usdt ,iv |
Advanced option order type, (Only for options). |
› order_type | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› time_in_force | string | good_til_cancelled , good_til_date , fill_or_kill , immediate_or_cancel |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect. |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› condition_type | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_price | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› creation_timestamp | string | Create time. | |
› last_update_timestamp | string | Last update time. | |
› version | Number | Order version. | |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get user trades by Currency
- Get user trades within given trading area.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currency | true | string | BTC ETH SPOT , PERPETUAL |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | margin ,spot ,option ,future , perpetual |
The order kind. |
start_id | false | Number | The ID number of the first trade to be returned. | |
end_id | false | Number | The ID number of the last trade to be returned. | |
start_timestamp | false | Date | The trade time of the first trade to be returned. | |
end_timestamp | false | Date | The trade time of the last trade to be returned. | |
count | false | Number | Number of requested items, default - 20 . |
self_trade | false | boolean | If not set, query all. | |
sorting | false | string | asc desc |
Direction of results sorting,default: desc . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650527520866,
"usOut": 1650527520922,
"usDiff": 56,
"result": {
"count": 3,
"trades": [
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "44000",
"fee": "0.22",
"timestamp": 1649909632028,
"role": "taker",
"trade_id": "19014109",
"order_id": "260379171103793152",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"order_type": "limit",
"fee_use_coupon": false,
"fee_coin_type": "USDT",
"index_price": "0",
"mark_price": "43999.95",
"self_trade": false
"has_more": true
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› has_more | boolean | ||
› trades | array of object | ||
›› amount | Number | Quantity of transactions | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
›› fee | Number | User's fee in units of the specified fee_currency |
›› fee_coin_type | string | The fee currency. | |
›› fee_use_coupon | boolean | Identifies whether the handling fee uses a coupon. | |
›› mark_price | Number | Mark Price at the moment of trade | |
›› instrument_name | string | Instrument name. | |
›› order_id | string | The order id. | |
›› order_type | string | limit ,market |
The order type |
›› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
›› price | Number | Price. | |
›› role | string | taker ,maker |
Role. |
›› self_trade | Boolean | Indicates whether it is a self-transaction. |
Get user trades by Instrument
- Get user trades within given instrument.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-JUN0620 ,BTC-JUN0620-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETAUL |
start_id | false | Number | The ID number of the first trade to be returned. | |
end_id | false | Number | The ID number of the last trade to be returned. | |
start_timestamp | false | Date | The trade time of the first trade to be returned. | |
end_timestamp | false | Date | The trade time of the last trade to be returned. | |
count | false | Number | Number of requested items, default - 20 |
self_trade | false | boolean | If not set, query all. | |
sorting | false | string | asc desc |
Direction of results sorting,default: desc . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650527520866,
"usOut": 1650527520922,
"usDiff": 56,
"result": {
"count": 3,
"trades": [
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "44000",
"fee": "0.22",
"timestamp": 1649909632028,
"role": "taker",
"trade_id": "19014109",
"order_id": "260379171103793152",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"order_type": "limit",
"fee_use_coupon": false,
"fee_coin_type": "USDT",
"index_price": "0",
"mark_price": "43999.95",
"self_trade": false
"has_more": true
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› has_more | boolean | ||
› trades | array of object | ||
›› amount | Number | Quantity of transactions | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
›› fee | Number | User's fee in units of the specified fee_currency |
›› fee_coin_type | string | The fee currency. | |
›› fee_use_coupon | boolean | Identifies whether the handling fee uses a coupon. | |
›› mark_price | Number | Mark Price at the moment of trade | |
›› instrument_name | string | Instrument name. | |
›› order_id | string | The order id. | |
›› order_type | string | limit ,market |
The order type |
›› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
›› price | Number | Price. | |
›› role | string | taker ,maker |
Role. |
›› self_trade | Boolean | Indicates whether it is a self-transaction. |
Get user trades by Order
- Get user trades within given order id.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
order_id | true | string | The order id. | |
start_id | false | Number | The ID number of the first trade to be returned. | |
end_id | false | Number | The ID number of the last trade to be returned. | |
count | false | Number | Number of requested items, default - 20 |
sorting | false | string | asc desc |
Direction of results sorting,default: desc . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1650527520866,
"usOut": 1650527520922,
"usDiff": 56,
"result": {
"count": 3,
"trades": [
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "44000",
"fee": "0.22",
"timestamp": 1649909632028,
"role": "taker",
"trade_id": "19014109",
"order_id": "260379171103793152",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"order_type": "limit",
"fee_use_coupon": false,
"fee_coin_type": "USDT",
"index_price": "0",
"mark_price": "43999.95",
"self_trade": false
"has_more": true
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› has_more | boolean | ||
› trades | array of object | ||
›› amount | Number | Quantity of transactions | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
›› fee | Number | User's fee in units of the specified fee_currency |
›› fee_coin_type | string | The fee currency. | |
›› fee_use_coupon | boolean | Identifies whether the handling fee uses a coupon. | |
›› mark_price | Number | Mark Price at the moment of trade | |
›› instrument_name | string | Instrument name. | |
›› order_id | string | The order id. | |
›› order_type | string | limit ,market |
The order type |
›› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
›› price | Number | Price. | |
›› role | string | taker ,maker |
Role. |
›› self_trade | Boolean | Indicates whether it is a self-transaction. |
Get perpetual instrument config
- Get perpetual instrument config.
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/get_perpetual_user_config",
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | |||
› margin_type | string | cross ,isolated |
Position margin type. |
› leverage | number | Current available leverage for future position. |
Modify perpetual instrument margin type
- Modify perpetual instrument margin type.
- It can only be modified when the specified instrument has no orders and positions
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/adjust_perpetual_margin_type",
"margin_type": "cross"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
margin_type | true | string | cross ,isolate |
Margin type. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"result": "ok"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | string |
Modify perpetual instrument leverage
- Modify perpetual instrument leverage.
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/adjust_perpetual_leverage",
"leverage": "20"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
leverage | true | Number | Leverage number. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"result": "ok"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | string |
Get order book
- Retrieves the order book, along with other market values for a given instrument.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-JUN0620 ,BTC-JUN0620-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
depth | false | Number | Orders depth quantity. Not defined or 0 = full order book. Depth = 100 means 100 for each bid/ask side. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› timestamp | string | timestamp. | |
› version | number | version number. | |
› asks | object array | List of asks. | |
›› price | number | price,array[0]. | |
›› size | number | size,array[1]. | |
› bids | object array | List of bids. | |
›› price | number | price,array[0]. | |
›› size | number | size,array[1]. |
Get ticker
- Get ticker for an instrument.
Request example
"id": "16",
"method": "/public/tickers",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTC-25DEC20-19000-C"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-JUN0620 ,BTC-JUN0620-10000-C |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
spot or margin:
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1606448952855,
"usOut": 1606448952863,
"usDiff": 8,
"result": [
"best_ask_amount": "684",
"best_ask_price": "103",
"best_bid_amount": "2",
"best_bid_price": "77",
"instrument_name": "BTC-27NOV20-16000-P",
"last_price": "0.0001135878084784",
"mark_price": "2.7668",
"max_price": "2.7668",
"min_price": "2.7668",
"open_interest": "0",
"state": "open",
"stats": {
"high": "0.0001135878084784",
"low": "0.0001135878084784",
"price_change": "0.0000"
"timestamp": "1606448948618",
"underlying_price": "17391.199",
"ask_iv": "363.09",
"bid_iv": "329.4",
"mark_iv": "186.66",
"greeks": {
"delta": "-0.0121"
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› best_ask_amount | number | It represents the requested order size of all best asks | |
› best_ask_price | number | The current best ask price | |
› best_bid_amount | number | It represents the requested order size of all best bids | |
› best_bid_price | number | The current best bid price | |
› instrument_name | number | Unique instrument identifier | |
› last_price | number | The price for the last trade | |
› mark_price | number | The mark price for the instrument | |
› max_price | number | The maximum price for the instrument | |
› min_price | number | The minimum price for the instrument | |
› open_interest | number | The total amount of outstanding contracts in the corresponding amount units | |
› state | number | open , closed |
The state of the order book. |
› stats | object | 24-hour | |
› › high | number | Highest price during 24h | |
› › low | number | Lowest price during 24h | |
› › price_change | number | 24-hour price change expressed as a percentage | |
› timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) | |
› underlying_price | number | Underlying price for implied volatility calculations | |
› ask_iv | number | (Only for option) implied volatility for best ask | |
› bid_iv | number | (Only for option) implied volatility for best bid | |
› greeks | object | Only for options | |
› › delta | number | (Only for option) The delta value for the option |
Get instruments
- Retrieves available trading instruments.
Request example
"currency": "SPOT"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currency | true | string | BTC ETH SPOT |
The trading area. |
kind | false | string | margin ,spot ,option ,future |
The order kind. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
BTC or ETH currency
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1606458143935,
"usOut": 1606458143946,
"usDiff": 11,
"result": [
"base_currency": "USD",
"contract_size": "1",
"creation_timestamp": "1606361968520",
"expiration_timestamp": "1608883200000",
"instrument_name": "BTC-25DEC20",
"is_active": true,
"kind": "future",
"leverage": 0,
"maker_commission": "0.02",
"min_trade_amount": "1",
"option_type": "init",
"quote_currency": "USD",
"settlement_period": "month",
"strike": "0",
"taker_commission": "0.05",
"tick_size": "1",
"instr_multiple": "0.01"
"base_currency": "USD",
"contract_size": "1",
"creation_timestamp": "1606362245048",
"expiration_timestamp": "1607068800000",
"instrument_name": "BTC-04DEC20-16500-C",
"is_active": true,
"kind": "option",
"leverage": 0,
"maker_commission": "0.4",
"min_trade_amount": "1",
"option_type": "call",
"quote_currency": "USD",
"settlement_period": "week",
"strike": "16500",
"taker_commission": "0.4",
"tick_size": "1",
"instr_multiple": "0.1"
SPOT currency:
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› base_currency | string | The base currency. | |
› contract_size | number | Contract size for instrument | |
› creation_timestamp | string | The time when the instrument was first created (milliseconds) | |
› expiration_timestamp | string | The time when the instrument will expire (milliseconds) | |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name. | |
› show_name | string | Show name. | |
› is_active | boolean | Indicates if the instrument can currently be traded. | |
› kind | string | margin ,spot ,option ,future |
The order kind. |
› leverage | integer | Maximal leverage for instrument. | |
› maker_commission | number | Maker commission for instrument. Spot and margin trading areas collect the currency according to a certain proportion of the amount of the currency obtained, while derivative trading areas collect usdt according to a certain proportion of the transaction amount | |
› taker_commission | number | Taker commission for instrument. Spot and margin trading areas collect the currency according to a certain proportion of the amount of the currency obtained, while derivative trading areas collect usdt according to a certain proportion of the transaction amount | |
› min_trade_amount | number | Minimum amount step for trading. | |
› min_qty | number | Minimum amount for trading. | |
› min_notional | number | Minimum baseCurrency for trading. | |
› tick_size | Long | Specifies minimal price change and, as follows, the number of decimal places for instrument prices. | |
› option_type | string | call , put |
The option type. |
› settlement_period | string | day , week , month , season |
The settlement period. |
› strike | Long | The strike value. (only for options) |
Get kbar
- Publicly available market data used to generate a TradingView candle chart.
Request example
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT",
"start_timestamp": "1632360798",
"end_timestamp": "1632648858",
"resolution": "5"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
start_timestamp | true | string | The earliest timestamp to return result for (seconds since the UNIX epoch). | |
end_timestamp | true | string | The most recent timestamp to return result for (seconds since the UNIX epoch). | |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name.Specially in SPOT currency, use symbol, eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT or BTC-USDT-MARGIN use BTC-USDT |
resolution | true | string | 1 3 5 10 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 720 D |
Chart bars resolution given in full minutes or keyword 1D (only some specific resolutions are supported) |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "345",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1632649373914,
"usOut": 1632649373923,
"usDiff": 9,
"result": [
"tick": 1632152400,
"open": "43736.300",
"high": "43841.500",
"low": "43715.800",
"close": "43768.900",
"volume": "18.0000",
"cost": "788049.634"
"tick": 1632152700,
"open": "43760.800",
"high": "43830.300",
"low": "43758.600",
"close": "43815.100",
"volume": "18.1200",
"cost": "793734.494"
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› close | number | The close price for the candle | |
› cost | number | Cost data for the candle | |
› high | number | The highest price level for the candle | |
› low | number | The lowest price level for the candle | |
› open | number | The open price for the candle' | |
› tick | integer | The timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch) | |
› volume | number | Volume data for the candle |
Get perpetual instrument leverage config
- Get perpetual instrument leverage config.
Request example
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
Instrument_name | true | string | The instrument name. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1662017924095,
"usOut": 1662017924101,
"usDiff": 6,
"result": [
"bracket": 1,
"initialLeverage": 1,
"maintenanceMarginRate": "0.5",
"notionalCap": "1000000000",
"notionalFloor": "600000000",
"cum": "199703800"
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› bracket | number | Notional bracket | |
› initialLeverage | number | Max initial leverage for this bracket | |
› maintenanceMarginRate | number | Maintenance ratio for this bracket | |
› notionalCap | number | Cap notional of this bracket | |
› notionalFloor | number | Notional threshold of this bracket | |
› cum | number | Auxiliary number for quick calculation |
Get all perpetual instrument leverage config
- Get all perpetual instrument leverage config.
Request example
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1662017924095,
"usOut": 1662017924101,
"usDiff": 6,
"bracket": 1,
"initialLeverage": 1,
"maintenanceMarginRate": "0.5",
"notionalCap": "500000000",
"notionalFloor": "150000000",
"cum": "42500365"
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› bracket | number | Notional bracket | |
› initialLeverage | number | Max initial leverage for this bracket | |
› maintenanceMarginRate | number | Maintenance ratio for this bracket | |
› notionalCap | number | Cap notional of this bracket | |
› notionalFloor | number | Notional threshold of this bracket | |
› cum | number | Auxiliary number for quick calculation |
Public ping
- Public ping
Request example
"id": 1,
"method": "/public/ping",
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "16",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1664112105289,
"usOut": 1664112105290,
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | string |
Private subscribe
- Subscribe to one or more channels.
The name of the channel determines what information will be provided, and in what form.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
channels | true | array | A list of channels to subscribe to. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/subscribe",
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of string | A list of subscribed channels. |
Private unsubscribe
- Unsubscribe from one or more channels.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/unsubscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
channels | true | array | A list of channels to unsubscribe from. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/unsubscribe",
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of string | A list of unsubscribed channels. |
Public subscribe
- Subscribe to one or more channels.
The name of the channel determines what information will be provided, and in what form.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
channels | true | array | A list of channels to subscribe to. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": 1,
"method": "/public/subscribe",
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of string | A list of unsubscribed channels. |
Public unsubscribe
- Unsubscribe from one or more channels.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/unsubscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
channels | true | array | A list of channels to unsubscribe from. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": 1,
"method": "/public/unsubscribe",
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of string | A list of unsubscribed channels. |
Notifies about changes to the order book for a certain instrument.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name.Specially in SPOT currency, use symbol, eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT or BTC-USDT-MARGIN use BTC-USDT |
interval | true | string | raw |
Frequency of notifications. Events will be aggregated over this interval. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"params": {
"data": {
"timestamp": 1626056933600,
"change_id": 1566764,
"asks": [
"bids": [
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT"
"channel": "book.BTC-USDT.raw"
"method": "subscription",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Channel Response
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | object | ||
› asks | array of [price, amount] | ||
› bids | array of [price, amount] | ||
› instrument_name | string | instrument name | |
› timestamp | integer | The timestamp of last change (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) | |
› change_id | integer | version number |
Publicly available market data used to generate a TradingView candle chart. During single resolution period, many events can be sent, each with updated values for the recent period.
NOTICE When there is no trade during the requested resolution period (e.g. 1 minute), then filling sample is generated which uses data from the last available trade candle (open and close values).
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 9929,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. Specially in SPOT currency, use symbol, eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT or BTC-USDT-MARGIN use BTC-USDT |
resolution | true | string | 1 3 5 10 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 720 1D |
Chart bars resolution given in full minutes or keyword 1D (only some specific resolutions are supported) |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"params": {
"data": {
"tick": 1597130400,
"open": 11794.000,
"high": 11794.000,
"low": 11770.000,
"close": 11770.000,
"volume": 2.0000,
"cost": 23540.000
"channel": "chart.trades.BTC-14AUG20.5"
"method": "subscription",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | object | ||
› close | number | The close price for the candle | |
› cost | number | Cost data for the candle | |
› high | number | The highest price level for the candle | |
› low | number | The lowest price level for the candle | |
› open | number | The open price for the candle' | |
› tick | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) | |
› volume | number | Volume data for the candle |
Provides information about options and futures markprices
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
kind | true | string | future , option , perpetual , margin |
Instrument kind |
currency | true | string | BTC , ETH , SPOT , PERPETUAL |
The currency symbol |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "markprice.option.ETH",
"data": [
"mut": "1597303073115",
"instrument_name": "ETH-26MAR21-440-P",
"mark_iv": "0.8341",
"mark_price": "132.6479",
"underlying_price": "391.3781",
"underlying_index": "ETH-26MAR21"
"mut": "1596959999594",
"instrument_name": "ETH-09AUG20-470-C",
"mark_iv": "0.9532",
"mark_price": "0",
"underlying_price": "380.3464"
Channel Response
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | |
› instrument_name | string | Instrument name |
› mark_price | number | Current index price |
› mark_iv | number | Current index iv |
› mut | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
› underlying_price | number | Underlying price |
› underlying_index | number | Underlying name |
Provides information about current value (price) for TGEX Index
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
index_name | true | string | btc_usdt eth_usdt |
Index identifier, matches (base) cryptocurrency with quote currency |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "price_index.btc_usdt",
"data": {
"price": "11738.73",
"index_name": "btc_usdt",
"timestamp": 1597130683001
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | object | ||
› index_name | string | Index identifier, matches (base) cryptocurrency with quote currency | |
› price | number | Current index price | |
› timestamp | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
Key information about the instrument
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name.Specially in SPOT currency, use symbol, eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT or BTC-USDT-MARGIN use BTC-USDT |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"params": {
"data": {
"max_price": null,
"stats": {
"low": "11733.145",
"high": "12005.008",
"price_change": "-0.0200",
"volume": "344.84442"
"mark_price": "11737.221",
"best_bid_amount": "0.01288",
"state": "open",
"best_ask_price": "11733.209",
"last_price": "11733.145",
"best_ask_amount": "0.01273",
"min_price": null,
"timestamp": "1597130649580",
"best_bid_price": "11733.081",
"instrument_name": "BTC-USDT"
"channel": "ticker.BTC-USDT.raw"
"method": "subscription",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | |
› ask_iv | number | (Only for option) implied volatility for best ask |
› best_ask_amount | number | It represents the requested order size of all best asks |
› best_ask_price | number | The current best ask price, null if there aren't any asks |
› best_bid_amount | number | It represents the requested order size of all best bids |
› best_bid_price | number | The current best bid price, null if there aren't any bids |
› bid_iv | number | (Only for option) implied volatility for best bid |
› greeks | object | |
› › delta | number | (Only for option) The delta value for the option |
› index_price | number | Current index price |
› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier |
› last_price | number | The price for the last trade |
› mark_iv | number | (Only for option) implied volatility for mark price |
› mark_price | number | The mark price for the instrument |
› max_price | number | The maximum price for the future. Any buy orders you submit higher than this price, will be clamped to this maximum. |
› min_price | number | The minimum price for the future. Any sell orders you submit lower than this price will be clamped to this minimum. |
› open_interest | number | The total amount of outstanding contracts in the corresponding amount units. The minsize of futures and options is one contract. |
› state | string | The state of the order book. Possible values are open and closed . |
› stats | object | |
› › high | number | highest price during 24h |
› › low | number | lowest price during 24h |
› › price_change | number | 24-hour price change expressed as a percentage, null if there weren't any trades |
› › volume | number | volume during last 24h in base currency |
› timestamp | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
› underlying_index | number | Name of the underlying future, or index_price (options only) |
› underlying_price | number | Underlying price for implied volatility calculations (options only) |
Get notifications about trades for an instrument.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/public/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name | |
interval | true | string | raw |
Frequency of notifications. Events will be aggregated over this interval. The value raw means no aggregation will be applied |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | object | ||
› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
› timestamp | integer | The timestamp of the trade | |
› price | number | Price in base currency | |
› amount | number | Trade amount. The minsize of futures and options is one contract, while margin is measured in base currency(BTC, ETH, etc.). | |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
Taker Direction |
› iv | number | Option implied volatility for the price (Option only) |
Get notifications about changes in user's updates related to order, trades, etc. in instruments of a given kind and currency.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
kind | true | string | spot ,perpetual |
Instrument kind. |
currency | true | string | SPOT ,PERPETUAL |
The trading currency. |
interval | true | string | raw |
Frequency of notifications. Events will be aggregated over this interval. The value raw means no aggregation will be applied |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"channel": "user.changes.perpetual.PERPETUAL.raw",
"currency": "PERPETUAL",
"kind": "perpetual",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "1000",
"advanced": "usdt",
"source": "api",
"mmp": false,
"rpl": "0",
"version": 1,
"order_id": "345521542966894593",
"custom_order_id": "1234abc",
"order_state": "open",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"show_name": "ETHUSDT Perp",
"filled_amount": "0",
"average_price": "0",
"order_type": "limit",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"post_only": false,
"reduce_only": false,
"condition_type": "NORMAL",
"trigger_touch": false,
"trigger_price_type": 1,
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"creation_timestamp": 1670209155344,
"last_update_timestamp": 1670209155360,
"show_zero_rpl": false,
"cascade_type": 0,
"first_deal_time": 0,
"position_side": "LONG"
"currency": "PERPETUAL",
"kind": "perpetual",
"size": "0.01",
"direction": "buy",
"leverage": "20",
"margin": "0.64633",
"version": "911779",
"roe": "-0.009742",
"traceType": 0,
"pos_id": "1",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"show_name": "ETHUSDT Perp",
"average_price": "1293.29",
"mark_price": "1292.66",
"initial_margin": "0.646645",
"maintenance_margin": "0.064633",
"total_profit_loss": "0",
"floating_profit_loss": "-0.0063",
"liquid_price": "0",
"margin_type": "cross",
"risk_level": "0.002306",
"available_withdraw_funds": "27.37056974",
"order_id": "345532310033620992",
"stop_loss_price": "0",
"stop_loss_type": 1,
"take_profit_price": "0",
"take_profit_type": 1,
"position_side": "LONG"
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "1293.29",
"fee": "0",
"timestamp": 1670211722400,
"role": "taker",
"rpl": "0",
"trade_id": "1637600273",
"order_id": "345532310033620992",
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"show_name": "ETHUSDT Perp",
"order_type": "market",
"fee_use_coupon": false,
"fee_coin_type": "USDT",
"index_price": "0",
"mark_price": "1292.66",
"self_trade": false,
"field1": false,
"field2": 19154
"instrument_name": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | array of object | ||
› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
› orders | array of object | ||
›› order_id | string | Unique order identifier | |
›› amount | number | It represents the requested order size. | |
›› price | number | Price in base currency | |
›› trigger_price | number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
›› trail_price | number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
›› iv | string | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. | |
›› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
Direction. |
›› order_state | string | "open" , "filled" , "canceled" |
order state. |
›› order_type | string | limit market |
order type, limit |
›› filled_amount | number | Filled amount of the order. | |
›› average_price | number | Average fill price of the order | |
›› last_update_timestamp | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) | |
›› creation_timestamp | integer | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) | |
›› version | string | The order version | |
›› kind | string | The order kind. | |
›› currency | string | The trading area. | |
›› condition_type | String | Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
›› trigger_touch | boolean | Whether the stop order has been triggered | |
›› advanced | string | usdt iv |
advanced type: usdt or iv (Only for options; field is omitted if not applicable). |
›› time_in_force | string | Order time in force: "good_til_cancelled" |
›› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
›› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
›› source | string | Order source | |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. | |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. | |
› position | array of object | ||
›› currency | string | The trading area. | |
›› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
›› kind | string | Instrument kind, "future" or "option" |
›› average_price | number | Average price of trades that built this position | |
›› size | number | Position size. | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell , zero |
Direction |
›› leverage | number | Current available leverage for future position. | |
›› margin_type | string | cross ,isolated |
Position type. |
›› risk_level | number | Risk Level. The risk of margin is between 0% and 100%, the higher the value, the higher the risk of compulsory closing. | |
›› roe | number | roe | |
›› available_withdraw_funds | number | Transferable quantity | |
›› floating_profit_loss | number | Floating profit or loss | |
›› realized_profit_loss | number | Realized profit or loss | |
›› total_rpl | number | Total realized profit or loss | |
›› total_profit_loss | number | Profit or loss from position | |
›› mark_price | number | Current mark price for position's instrument | |
›› index_price | number | Current mark price for index instrument | |
›› initial_margin | number | Initial margin | |
›› maintenance_margin | number | Maintenance margin | |
›› variable_funds | number | Variable funds. | |
›› liquid_price | number | Liquid price. | |
›› margin_balance | number | Margin balance. | |
›› margin_balance_isolated | number | Margin balance of isolated. | |
›› wallet_balance_isolated | number | Wallet balance of isolated. | |
›› version | string | The position version | |
›› delta | number | Delta parameter | |
›› stop_loss_price | number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
›› stop_loss_type | number | Stop loss price type. | |
›› take_profit_price | number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. | |
›› take_profit_type | number | Take profit price type. | |
›› traceType | number | 0 ,1 ,2 |
Trace type. Only for perpetuals. 0: normal,1: trace trader, 2: trace follower |
› trades | array of object | ||
›› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
›› direction | string | buy, sell |
Direction |
›› amount | number | Trade amount. | |
›› fee | number | User's fee in units of the specified fee_currency |
›› fee_coin_type | string | Fee Currency, i.e BTC , ETH |
›› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
›› order_id | string | Id of the user order (maker or taker), i.e. subscriber's order id that took part in the trade | |
›› order_type | string | limit market |
Order type. |
›› price | number | Price in base currency | |
›› index_price | number | Index Price at the moment of trade | |
›› timestamp | integer | The timestamp of the trade | |
›› iv | number | Option implied volatility for the price (Option only) | |
›› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
- Get notifications about changes in user's orders for given instrument.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-JUN0620 ,BTC-JUN0620-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.orders.BTC-14AUG20.raw",
"data": {
"amount": "1",
"price": "11895.00",
"direction": "buy",
"version": 0,
"order_state": "filled",
"instrument_name": "BTC-14AUG20",
"time_in_force": "good_til_cancelled",
"last_update_timestamp": 1597130534567,
"filled_amount": "1",
"average_price": "11770.00",
"order_id": "39007591615041536",
"creation_timestamp": 1597130534567,
"order_type": "limit"
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | |
› order_id | string | Unique order identifier |
› amount | number | It represents the requested order size. |
› price | number | Price in base currency |
› trigger_price | number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› trail_price | number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› iv | string | Implied volatility in percent.For example, price=100, means implied volatility of 100%. |
› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier |
› direction | string | Direction: buy , or sell |
› order_state | string | order state, "open" , "filled" , "canceled" |
› order_type | string | order type, limit |
› filled_amount | Number | Filled amount of the order. The minsize of futures and options is one contract, while margin is measured in base currency(BTC, ETH, etc.). |
› average_price | Number | Average fill price of the order |
› last_update_timestamp | string | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
› creation_timestamp | string | The timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
› version | string | The order version |
› kind | string | The order kind. |
› currency | str ing | The trading area. |
› condition_type | String | Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . Available when kind is future |
› trigger_touch | boolean | Whether the stop order has been triggered |
› advanced | string | advanced type: usdt or iv (Only for options; field is omitted if not applicable). |
› time_in_force | string | Order time in force: "good_til_cancelled" |
› post_only | boolean | true for post-only orders only |
› reduce_only | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› source | string | Order source |
› stop_loss_price | Number | Stop loss price. If the value is 0, it means not set. |
› stop_loss_type | Number | Stop loss price type. |
› take_profit_price | Number | Take profit price. If the value is 0, it means not set. |
› take_profit_type | Number | Take profit price type. |
› custom_order_id | String | Client order id. |
Get the asset information of users in each trading area, including wallet assets.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/subscribe",
"params" : {
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.asset.WALLET",
"data": {
"total": "5578184962",
"coupon": "0",
"details": [
"available": "4999",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "BTC",
"current_mark_price": "38000"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "ETH",
"current_mark_price": "1600"
"available": "980000",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "USD",
"current_mark_price": "1"
"available": "5577199963",
"freeze": "0",
"coin_type": "USDT",
"current_mark_price": "1"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.asset.SPOT",
"data": {
"SPOT": {
"total": "281472.28536534",
"net": "281472.28536534",
"available": "281472.28536534",
"details": [
"available": "9.99902",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "9.99902",
"coin_type": "BTC",
"current_mark_price": "18150.117"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "0",
"coin_type": "ETH",
"current_mark_price": "555.005"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "0",
"coin_type": "USD",
"current_mark_price": "0"
"available": "99988.90248",
"freeze": "0",
"total": "99988.90248",
"coin_type": "USDT",
"current_mark_price": "1"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.asset.MARGIN",
"data": {
"total": "609474.62536534",
"net": "609474.62536534",
"available": "609474.62536534",
"borrowed": "0",
"maintenance_margin": "0",
"cushion_rate": "0",
"interest_owed": "0",
"details": [
"available": "29.99902",
"freeze": "0",
"borrowed": "0",
"net": "29.99902",
"total": "29.99902",
"debt": "0",
"canborrow": "302.21687432",
"coin_type": "BTC",
"interest_owed": "0",
"max_transfer": "29.99902",
"coin_leverage": "10",
"daily_interest_rate": "0.01",
"current_mark_price": "18150.117"
"available": "0",
"freeze": "0",
"borrowed": "0",
"net": "0",
"total": "0",
"debt": "0",
"canborrow": "4392.57033984",
"coin_type": "ETH",
"interest_owed": "0",
"max_transfer": "0",
"coin_leverage": "5",
"daily_interest_rate": "0.001",
"current_mark_price": "555.005"
"available": "64988.90248",
"freeze": "0",
"borrowed": "0",
"net": "64988.90248",
"total": "64988.90248",
"debt": "0",
"canborrow": "5485271.62828806",
"coin_type": "USDT",
"interest_owed": "0",
"max_transfer": "64988.90248",
"coin_leverage": "10",
"daily_interest_rate": "0.01",
"current_mark_price": "1"
option and future(BTC or ETH)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.asset.BTC",
"data": {
"BTC": {
"currency": "BTC",
"balance": "130824.29",
"equity": "130824.29",
"base_currency": "USD",
"available_funds": "130824.29",
"available_withdrawal_funds": "130824.29",
"futures_pl": "0",
"futures_session_rpl": "0",
"futures_session_upl": "0",
"initial_margin": "0",
"maintenance_margin": "0",
"margin_balance": "130824.29",
"options_value": "0",
"options_pl": "0",
"options_session_rpl": "0",
"options_session_upl": "0",
"options_delta": "0",
"options_gamma": "0",
"options_theta": "0",
"options_vega": "0",
"session_funding": "0",
"session_rpl": "0",
"session_upl": "0",
"delta_total": "0"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"channel": "user.asset.PERPETUAL",
"bonus": "0",
"global_state": 3,
"available_funds": "102716.31684805",
"wallet_balance": "107556.51446905",
"available_withdraw_funds": "102716.31684805",
"total_pl": "524.2",
"total_upl": "524.2",
"position_rpl": "0",
"total_upl_isolated": "524.2",
"total_upl_cross": "0",
"total_initial_margin_cross": "0",
"total_initial_margin_isolated": "4922.14",
"total_margin_balance_isolated": "5364.397621",
"total_margin_balance": "108080.71446905",
"total_margin_balance_cross": "102716.31684805",
"total_maintenance_margin_cross": "0",
"total_wallet_balance_isolated": "4840.197621",
"order_frozen": "0",
"order_cross_frozen": "0",
"order_isolated_frozen": "0",
"risk_level": "0",
"bonus_max": "140.20295713"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
asset_type | true | Enum | BTC ,ETH ,MARGIN ,SPOT ,PERPETUAL |
Asset type. The supported asset types can be obtained through get_assets_type method. |
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object array | ||
› WALLET | object | Wallet assets | |
› BTC | object | BTC derivatives trading area(BTC D.T.A) assets. (BTC D.T.A) used to trade BTC options and BTC futures | |
› ETH | object | ETH derivatives trading area(ETH D.T.A) assets. (ETH D.T.A) used to trade ETH options and ETH futures | |
› SPOT | object | Spot assets. Spot used to spot trading without leverage | |
› MARGIN | object | Margin assets. Margin used to spot trading without leverage | |
› PERPETUAL | object | Perpetual assets. |
Wallet assets fields(WALLET
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
total | number | Total assets of wallet, equivalent to usdt | |
coupon | number | Coupon of wallet, equivalent to usdt | |
details | object array | Details of wallet assets | |
› coin_type | string | Coin | |
› available | number | Available assets, wallet balance | |
› freeze | number | Freezing assets | |
› current_mark_price | number | Mark Price, the unit is usdt |
Trading area asset fields for options and Futures(BTC D.T.A, ETH D.T.A)
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
currency | enum | BTC ,ETH |
Trading area |
base_currency | number | settlement coin | |
available_funds | number | available funds | |
available_withdrawal_funds | number | Transferable quantity | |
balance | number | Available balance | |
equity | number | Net assets of account | |
initial_margin | number | Initial margin | |
maintenance_margin | number | Maintenance margin | |
margin_balance | number | Margin balance | |
cushion_rate | number | Risk Level. | |
session_funding | number | Session funding | |
session_rpl | number | Realized profit and loss | |
session_upl | number | Unrealized profit and loss | |
futures_pl | number | Total profit and loss of futures | |
futures_session_rpl | number | Realized profit and loss of futures | |
futures_session_upl | number | Unrealized profit and loss of futures | |
options_value | number | Total value of options, sum(size*price) | |
options_pl | number | Total profit and loss of option | |
options_session_rpl | number | Realized profit and loss of option | |
options_session_upl | number | Unrealized profit and loss of option | |
options_delta | number | Delta of options | |
options_gamma | number | Gamma of options | |
options_theta | number | Theta of options | |
options_vega | number | Vega of options | |
delta_total | number | Total delta of trading area | |
total_pl | number | Total profit and loss of trading area |
Spot asset field(SPOT
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
total | number | The total market value of all spot's assets, equivalent to usdt | |
available | number | The total market value of all available assets of spot, equivalent to usdt | |
details | object array | Asset details in single coin | |
› coin_type | string | Coin | |
› available | number | Available assets | |
› freeze | number | Freezing assets | |
› total | number | Total = Available + Freeze | |
› current_mark_price | number | Mark Price, the unit is usdt |
Margin asset field(MARGIN
Parameter | Type | Enum | *Description* |
total | number | The total market value of all margin's assets, equivalent to usdt | |
available | number | The total market value of all available assets of margin, equivalent to usdt | |
net | number | The total market value of all net assets of margin, equivalent to usdt | |
borrowed | number | The total market value of all margin's loan balances, equivalent to usdt | |
interest_owed | number | Total interest payable in single coin | |
maintenance_margin | number | Maintenance margin | |
cushion_rate | number | Risk Level. The risk of margin is between 0% and 100%, the higher the value, the higher the risk of compulsory closing. | |
details | object array | Asset details in single coin | |
› coin_type | string | Coin | |
› available | number | Available assets | |
› freeze | number | Freezing assets | |
› borrowed | number | loan balances in single coin | |
›interest_owed | number | Interest payable in single coin | |
› net | number | Net = available + freeze - borrowed - interest_owed | |
› total | number | Total = available + freeze | |
› debt | number | Debt = borrowed + interest_owed | |
› max_transfer | number | Maximum transfer out quantity | |
› canborrow | number | Loanable quantity | |
› coin_leverage | number | Maximum leverage | |
› daily_interest_rate | number | Daily interest rate | |
› current_mark_price | number | Mark Price, the unit is usdt |
Perpetual asset field(PERPETUAL
Parameter | Type | Enum | Description |
wallet_balance | number | Total wallet balance. | |
available_funds | number | available funds | |
available_withdraw_funds | number | Transferable quantity | |
total_pl | number | Total profit and loss of trading area | |
total_upl | number | Unrealized profit and loss | |
position_rpl | number | Realized profit and loss | |
total_upl_isolated | number | Unrealized profit and loss of isolated | |
total_upl_cross | number | Unrealized profit and loss of cross | |
total_initial_margin_cross | number | Initial margin of cross | |
total_initial_margin_isolated | number | Initial margin of isolated | |
total_margin_balance_isolated | number | Total margin balance of isolated | |
total_margin_balance_cross | number | Total margin balance of cross | |
total_margin_balance | number | Total margin balance | |
total_maintenance_margin_cross | number | Maintenance margin of cross | |
total_wallet_balance_isolated | number | Total wallet balance of isolated | |
order_frozen | number | Frozen of order | |
order_cross_frozen | number | Frozen of cross order | |
order_isolated_frozen | number | Frozen of isolated order | |
bonus | number | Available bonus. | |
bonus_max | number | Upper limit of bonus. |
- Get notifications about user's trades in an instrument.
Request example
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : 1,
"method" : "/private/subscribe",
"params" : {
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
instrument_name | true | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-SPOT ,BTC-USDT-MARGIN ,BTC-JUN0620 ,BTC-JUN0620-10000-C ,BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
interval | true | string | raw |
Frequency of notifications. Events will be aggregated over this interval. The value raw means no aggregation will be applied |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscription",
"params": {
"channel": "user.trades.BTC-14AUG20.raw",
"data": {
"direction": "sell",
"amount": "1",
"price": "33000",
"iv": "0",
"fee": "0",
"timestamp": 1626148488157,
"trade_id": "1",
"order_id": "160717710099746816",
"instrument_name": "BTC-24SEP21",
"order_type": "limit",
"fee_coin_type": "USDT",
"index_price": "33157.63"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
data | array of object | ||
› trade_id | string | Unique (per currency) trade identifier | |
› direction | string | buy, sell |
Direction |
› amount | string | Trade amount. | |
› fee | string | User's fee in units of the specified fee_currency |
› fee_coin_type | string | Fee Currency, i.e BTC , ETH |
› instrument_name | string | Unique instrument identifier | |
› order_id | string | Id of the user order (maker or taker), i.e. subscriber's order id that took part in the trade | |
› order_type | string | limit market |
Order type. |
› price | string | Price in base currency | |
› index_price | string | Index Price at the moment of trade | |
› timestamp | number | The timestamp of the trade | |
› iv | string | Option implied volatility for the price (Option only) |
(Copy) Place order
- Places a buy order for an instrument.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/place",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"amount": "1",
"type": "limit",
"direction": "buy",
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"price": "90"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | true | String | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
direction | true | String | buy ,sell |
Order direction. |
positionSide | true | String | LONG ,SHORT |
Position Side. |
amount | true | number | The order amount. | |
type | false | String | limit , market |
The order type, default: limit . |
price | false | number | The order price for limit order |
timeInForce | false | String | GTC , FOK , IOC |
Specifies how long the order remains in effect, default: GTC . |
postOnly | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered post-only, default: false . |
reduceOnly | false | Boolen | If true , the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position. default: false . |
conditionType | false | String | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . |
triggerPrice | false | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
triggerPriceType | false | Number | 1 , 2 |
Trigger price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
trailPrice | false | Number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
stopLossPrice | fasle | String | Stop loss price. | |
stopLossType | fasle | Number | 1 ,2 |
Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
takeProfitPrice | fasle | String | Take profit price. | |
takeProfitType | fasle | Number | 1 ,2 |
Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
marketAmountOrder | false | boolean | Advanced order amount type, default: false . If set to true ,then the amount field means USDT value. |
customOrderId | false | String | Client order id. Can only be string following the rule: ^[.A-Z:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$. Returned when querying an order . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"orderId": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› orderId | String | order id |
(Copy) Get order state
- Get the order by id.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/queryState",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"orderId": 365533374317027328
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
orderId | true | string | The unique id of the order. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1675069431765,
"usOut": 1675069431782,
"usDiff": 17,
"result": [
"orderId": "365533374317027328",
"customOrderId": "-",
"orderState": "open",
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"showName": "BTCUSDT Perp",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "20000",
"filledAmount": "0",
"averagePrice": "0",
"orderType": "limit",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false,
"reduceOnly": false,
"conditionType": "NORMAL",
"triggerTouch": false,
"triggerPriceType": 1,
"stopLossPrice": "0",
"stopLossType": 1,
"takeProfitPrice": "0",
"takeProfitType": 1,
"createTime": 1674980347736,
"updateTime": 1674980347777,
"rpl": "0",
"positionSide": "LONG"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› orderId | string | The unique id of the order. | |
› customOrderId | string | Client order id. Can only be string following the rule: ^[.A-Z:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$. Returned when querying an order. | |
› orderState | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› instrumentName | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
› positionSide | string | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
› amount | number | Order quantity. | |
› filledAmount | number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› price | number | The order price. | |
› averagePrice | number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› orderType | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› timeInForce | string | GTC , IOC , FOK |
The order type. |
› postOnly | Boolean | If true , the order is considered post-only. |
› reduceOnly | Boolean | If true , the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position. |
› conditionType | string | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . |
› triggerTouch | Boolean | Whether the trigger price is triggered. | |
› triggerPrice | number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› triggerPriceType | string | 1 ,2 |
Trigger price. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› trailPrice | number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› stopLossPrice | number | Stop loss price. | |
› stopLossType | number | 1 ,2 |
Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› takeProfitPrice | number | Take profit price. | |
› takeProfitType | number | 1 ,2 |
Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› rpl | number | Realized profit or loss. | |
› positionSide | string | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
› createTime | timestamp | Create time. | |
› updateTime | timestamp | Last update time. |
(Copy) Get open order
- Get open order.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/queryOpen",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | false | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1675069431765,
"usOut": 1675069431782,
"usDiff": 17,
"result": [
"orderId": "365533374317027328",
"customOrderId": "-",
"orderState": "open",
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"showName": "BTCUSDT Perp",
"direction": "buy",
"amount": "0.01",
"price": "20000",
"filledAmount": "0",
"averagePrice": "0",
"orderType": "limit",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false,
"reduceOnly": false,
"conditionType": "NORMAL",
"triggerTouch": false,
"triggerPriceType": 1,
"stopLossPrice": "0",
"stopLossType": 1,
"takeProfitPrice": "0",
"takeProfitType": 1,
"createTime": 1674980347736,
"updateTime": 1674980347777,
"rpl": "0",
"positionSide": "LONG"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› orderId | string | The unique id of the order. | |
› customOrderId | string | Client order id. Can only be string following the rule: ^[.A-Z:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$. Returned when querying an order. | |
› orderState | string | open , filled , cancelled |
The order state. |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
The order direction. |
› instrumentName | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
› positionSide | string | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
› amount | number | Order quantity. | |
› filledAmount | number | Filled amount of the order. | |
› price | number | The order price. | |
› averagePrice | number | Average fill price of the order. | |
› orderType | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
› timeInForce | string | GTC , IOC , FOK |
The order type. |
› postOnly | Boolean | If true , the order is considered post-only. |
› reduceOnly | Boolean | If true , the order is considered reduce-only which is intended to only reduce a current position. |
› conditionType | string | NORMAL , STOP , TRAILING , IF_TOUCHED |
Condition sheet policy, the default is NORMAL . |
› triggerTouch | Boolean | Whether the trigger price is triggered. | |
› triggerPrice | number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
› triggerPriceType | string | 1 ,2 |
Trigger price. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› trailPrice | number | Tracking price change Delta. Available when condition_type is TRAILING . |
› stopLossPrice | number | Stop loss price. | |
› stopLossType | number | 1 ,2 |
Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› takeProfitPrice | number | Take profit price. | |
› takeProfitType | number | 1 ,2 |
Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› rpl | number | Realized profit or loss. | |
› positionSide | string | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
› createTime | timestamp | Create time. | |
› updateTime | timestamp | Last update time. |
(Copy) Cancel by Id
- Cancel an order, specified by order id.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/cancel",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"orderId": "1233",
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
orderId | true | Long | The order id. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"orderId": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› orderId | String | order id |
(Copy) Cancel By Instrument
- Cancels all orders by instrument. If the instrument is not transmitted, the order of all instrument will be cancelled.
- Asynchronous operation only means that the request is received. The specific order status can be obtained by subscribing or querying the order status.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/cancelAll",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | false | String | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"cancelOrderNum": 10
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› cancelOrderNum | Integer | Number of cancelled orders. |
(Copy) Edit order
- Edit order.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/edit",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"orderId": "123",
"amount": 123,
"price": 1000,
"triggerPrice": "1100",
"triggerPriceType": 1
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
orderId | true | String | The unique id of the order. | |
amount | true | Number | Quantity at time of order. | |
price | false | Number | The order price for limit order. |
triggerPrice | false | Number | Trigger price. Available when condition_type is STOP or IF_TOUCHED . |
triggerPriceType | false | Integer | 1 ,2 |
Trigger price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"orderId": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› orderId | String | order id |
(Copy) Order TP/SL
- Set TP/SL for order.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/tpsl",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"stopLossPrice": "1900",
"stopLossType": "1",
"takeProfitPrice": "2100",
"takeProfitType": "1"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
orderId | true | String | The unique id of the order. | |
stopLossPrice | false | Number | Stop loss price. If you want to cancel the stop loss, please set stopLossPrice to 0. | |
stopLossType | false | Number | 1 , 2 |
Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
takeProfitPrice | false | Number | Take profit price. If you want to cancel the take profit, please set takeProfitPrice to 0. | |
takeProfitType | false | Number | 1 , 2 |
Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1590387640408,
"usOut": 1590387641134,
"usDiff": 726,
"result": {
"orderId": "77409325612535808"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› orderId | String | order id |
(Copy) Get order tpsl detail
- Get TP/SL detail of the order.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/order/queryTpsl",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
orderId | true | string | The unique id of the order. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1636361022270,
"usOut": 1636361022390,
"usDiff": 120,
"result": {
"amount": "0.1",
"filled": "0",
"direction": "buy",
"orderId": 203552148811681792,
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"trigger": true,
"reduceOnly": false,
"takeProfitOrder": {
"amount": "0",
"filled": "0",
"direction": "sell",
"trigger": false,
"triggerPrice": "70000",
"triggerPriceType": 1,
"reduceOnly": true
"stopLossOrder": {
"amount": "0",
"filled": "0",
"direction": "sell",
"trigger": false,
"triggerPrice": "60000",
"triggerPriceType": 1,
"reduceOnly": true
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› orderId | string | The unique id of the order. | |
› instrumentName | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
› direction | string | buy , sell |
Order direction. |
› amount | string | Order quantity. | |
› filledAmount | string | Filled amount of the order. | |
› trigger | boolean | Whether the trigger price is triggered. | |
› reduceOnly | boolean | true for reduce-only orders only |
› takeProfitOrder | The details of take profit order . | ||
›› orderId | string | The unique id of take profit order. | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
Order direction of take profit order. |
›› amount | string | Order quantity of take profit order. | |
›› filledAmount | string | Filled amount of take profit order. | |
›› trigger | boolean | Whether take profit price is triggered. | |
›› triggerPrice | Take profit price. | ||
›› triggerPriceType | Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. | ||
› stopLossOrder | The details of stop loss order . | ||
›› orderId | string | The unique id of stop loss order. | |
›› direction | string | buy , sell |
Order direction of stop loss order. |
›› amount | string | Order quantity of stop loss order. | |
›› filledAmount | string | Filled amount of stop loss order. | |
›› trigger | boolean | Whether take stop loss is triggered. | |
›› triggerPrice | Stop loss price. | ||
›› triggerPriceType | Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
(Copy) Modify leverage
- Modify perpetual instrument leverage.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/changeLeverage",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"leverage": 10
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | true | String | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
leverage | true | Integer | Leverage number. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "18",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1625563460761,
"usOut": 1625563460770,
"usDiff": 9,
"result": {}
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result |
(Copy) Change margin
- Change margin for isolated position.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/changeMargin",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"positionSide": "LONG",
"amount": "-10"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | true | String | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
positionSide | true | String | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
amount | true | Number | Change amount. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "18",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1625563460761,
"usOut": 1625563460770,
"usDiff": 9,
"result": {}
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result |
(Copy) Modify margin type
- Modify perpetual instrument margin type.
- It can only be modified when the specified instrument has no orders and positions.
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/changeMarginType",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"marginType": "isolate"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | true | String | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
marginType | true | String | isolate ,cross |
Margin type. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "18",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1625563460761,
"usOut": 1625563460770,
"usDiff": 9,
"result": {}
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result |
(Copy) Get position
- Get position.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/query",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | false | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1675069431765,
"usOut": 1675069431782,
"usDiff": 17,
"result": [
"instrumentName": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"positionSide": "SHORT",
"size": "-0.06",
"marginType": "isolate",
"entryPrice": "1620.95",
"liquidPrice": "1693.57960199",
"markPrice": "1619.6",
"leverage": "20",
"margin": "4.86585",
"initialMargin": "4.86285",
"maintenanceMargin": "0.48588",
"availableWithdrawFunds": "0.084",
"realizedProfitLoss": "0",
"floatingProfitLoss": "0.081",
"roe": "0.016656",
"riskLevel": "0.09822"
"instrumentName": "ETH-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"size": "0.62",
"marginType": "isolate",
"entryPrice": "1609.55403226",
"liquidPrice": "1534.56512401",
"markPrice": "1619.6",
"leverage": "20",
"margin": "51.250275",
"initialMargin": "49.896175",
"maintenanceMargin": "5.02076",
"availableWithdrawFunds": "7.5826",
"realizedProfitLoss": "0",
"floatingProfitLoss": "6.2285",
"stopLossPrice": "1569.35",
"stopLossType": 2,
"takeProfitPrice": "2000",
"takeProfitType": 2,
"roe": "0.124829",
"riskLevel": "0.087349"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | array of object | ||
› instrumentName | string | Instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL |
› positionSide | string | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
› size | number | Position quantity. | |
› marginType | string | isolate ,cross |
Margin type. |
› entryPrice | number | Average entry price. | |
› liquidPrice | number | Liquid price. | |
› markPrice | number | Current mark price for position's instrument. | |
› leverage | number | Current leverage for the position. | |
› margin | number | Margin. | |
› initialMargin | number | Initial margin. | |
› maintenanceMargin | number | Maintenance margin. | |
› availableWithdrawFunds | number | Transferable quantity. | |
› realizedProfitLoss | number | Realized profit or loss. | |
› floatingProfitLoss | number | Floating profit or loss. | |
› stopLossPrice | number | Stop loss price. | |
› stopLossType | number | 1 ,2 |
Stop loss price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
› takeProfitPrice | number | Take profit price. | |
› takeProfitType | number | 1 ,2 |
Take profit price type. 1 : mark_price, 2: last_price. |
(Copy) Close position
- Close the specified position.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/close",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112,
"instrumentName": "BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL",
"portfolioId": 112,
"type": "limit",
"price": "4500",
"amount": "0.1"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. | |
instrumentName | true | string | The instrument name. eg: BTC-USDT-PERPETUAL . |
type | true | string | limit , market |
The order type. |
price | false | number | The order price for limit order. |
amount | true | number | The order amount. | |
positionSide | true | String | LONG , SHORT |
Position Side. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1662",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1606292314448,
"usOut": 1606292314470,
"usDiff": 22,
"result": {
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object |
(Copy) Close all positions
- Close all position for the portfolio.
Request example
"id": "1662",
"method": "/private/copy/trade/position/closeAll",
"params": {
"portfolioId": 112
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
portfolioId | true | Long | The unique id of the portfolio. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1674028215933,
"usOut": 1674028215987,
"usDiff": 54,
"result": {
"totalClosePosition": 3
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | ||
› totalClosePosition | object | The number of positions. |
Query wallet support convert currency
- Query wallet support convert currency
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/public/convertApi/getWalletCoinList",
"params": {
"walletType": "SPOT"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
walletType | true | String | PERPETUAL,SPOT | wallet Type. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "972",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1681959879126,
"usOut": 1681959879129,
"usDiff": 3,
"result": [
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | List | Response data |
Get the convert price between currency
- Get the convert price between currency
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/public/convertApi/getConvertPrice",
"params": {
"from": "USDT",
"to": "BTC"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
from | true | String | User spends coin. | |
to | true | String | User receives coin. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1681960193742,
"usOut": 1681960193755,
"usDiff": 13,
"result": {
"price": "0.0000333000333",
"inversePrice": "30030"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› price | BigDecimal | exchange price | |
› inversePrice | BigDecimal | inverse price |
Initiate convert
- Initiate convert
Request example
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "972",
"method": "/private/convertApi/initiateConvert",
"params": {
"walletType": "SPOT",
"from": "USDT",
"to": "BTC",
"convertAmount": "10.001"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
walletType | true | String | PERPETUAL,SPOT | wallet Type. |
from | true | String | User spends coin. | |
to | true | String | User receives coin. | |
convertAmount | true | BigDecimal | User convert amount. |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1681897739865,
"usOut": 1681897739892,
"usDiff": 27,
"result": {
"toAmount": "0.00068277",
"price": "0.0000341387787125",
"inversePrice": "29292.201939",
"orderId": "394547019944431616"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
result | object | Response data | |
› toAmount | BigDecimal | user actually got amount | |
› price | BigDecimal | exchange price | |
› inversePrice | BigDecimal | inverse price | |
› orderId | String | order Id |
Get convert records
- Get convert records
Request example
"orderId": "369154217945075714"
Parameter | Required | Type | Enum | Description |
currentPage | false | Integer | current page | |
pageSize | false | Integer | page size | |
params | false | object | ||
› status | false | Integer | PROCESSING(0),SUCCESS(1),FAIL(2) | order status |
› startTime | false | Date | start time | |
› endTime | false | Date | end time | |
› coinType | false | String | coin type | |
› orderId | false | Long | order id |
The above command returns JSON structured like this (real example)
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"usIn": 1681898422981,
"usOut": 1681898422991,
"usDiff": 10,
"result": {
"count": 10,
"total": 1,
"totalPage": 1,
"offset": 1,
"data": [
"fromAmount": "20",
"fromCoin": "USDT",
"toAmount": "0.00068277",
"toCoin": "BTC",
"status": 1,
"createTime": "1681897739884",
"assetType": "SPOT",
"realPrice": "0.0000341387787125",
"inversePrice": "29292.201939",
"orderId": "369154217945075714"
Name | Type | Enum | Description |
count | Long | Number of data per page | |
total | Long | total data number | |
totalPage | Long | total pages | |
offset | Long | current page | |
result | object | Response data | |
› assetType | String | user asset Type | |
› fromAmount | BigDecimal | User spends coin amount | |
› fromCoin | String | User spends coin type | |
› toAmount | BigDecimal | user actually got amount | |
› toCoin | String | user receives coin type | |
› realPrice | BigDecimal | exchange price | |
› inversePrice | BigDecimal | inverse price | |
› status | Int | PROCESSING(0),SUCCESS(1),FAIL(2) | order status |
› createTime | Date | order create time | |
› orderId | String | order id |